
Great Wall Wingle 5 (2014) - Couleurs/Colors

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Colors of the Great Wall Wingle 5 (2014) in South Africa and in New Caledonia
Couleurs du Great Wall Wingle 5 (2014) en Afrique du Sud et en Nouvelle-Calédonie
Great Wall Wingle 5 Titanium White/Great Wall Wingle 5 Blanc Titan
Great Wall Wingle 5 Sky Silver/Great Wall Wingle 5 Gris Argent
Great Wall Wingle 5 Noble Grey/Great Wall Wingle 5 Gris Anthracite
Great Wall Wingle 5 Pearl Black/Great Wall Wingle 5 Perle Noire
Unavailable color in South Africa/Great Wall Wingle 5 Vert Jade
Unavailable color in South Africa/Great Wall Wingle 5 Rouge Bijou
Great Wall Wingle 5 Red/Great Wall Wingle 5 Rouge Charmant
Unavailable color in South Africa/Great Wall Wingle 5 Orange Tendance